Students crave engagement…
It is this fact that inspired us to create a free day that combines excitement with the opportunity to raise funds for your school. A process made possible through the power of music.
We visit your school to work with students and staff members. During our visit we create a fun musical album using our professional recording equipment. The recordings are then processed as digital albums that can be purchased by the children’s families as a way of raising funds. Each copy of the album is redeemed through a unique code, unlocking a one time download and unlimited streaming. The code is presented in a beautifully printed Songbook, featuring the track-list, student artwork, puzzles and more! Secondary schools can expect much more complex puzzles and music trivia.
The idea stemmed from our passion for music. We love music and the positive feelings that it brings. We wanted to take this passion and use it to inspire children. By working with students in their formative years, we’re able to ignite their creativity and start a hobby that they can pursue for the rest of their lives.

How it helps your students
In today’s digital age, it can be a challenge to keep students engaged and focused. That’s why we believe that incorporating fun, hands-on activities into their education is crucial.
As Dick Clark so aptly stated, music is the soundtrack of life. By partnering with your school, we aim to infuse your students’ lives with a positive and inspiring musical soundtrack. At its core, our program is about more than just making music – it’s about creating memories and igniting a lifelong passion for the arts.
Our recording day offers a chance for students to come together, be creative, and leave with a tangible memento of their time at school. Our goal is to enrich the lives of your students and give them something to look back on with fondness for years to come.

How it helps you
We help you to deliver the National Curriculum for Music by enhancing your student’s ability to perform while providing an understanding of how music is created, produced and communicated.
These recordings don’t just raise your school funds, they raise its awareness. As parents eagerly buy music made by their children, they’ll also buy extra copies to share with loved ones. This raises your profile amongst local parents who are looking for a school to send their children to. Your profile will be boosted even further once parents start sharing their positive thoughts on social media.

A few words from our clients

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